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JackHMMR's Winter Build

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by JackHMMR, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. JackHMMR

    JackHMMR Active Member

    Jack (JackHMMR)

    Build Name
    A Christmas Illusion

    x8989 y50 z9402
    Please do go take a look! This build was created to be around the player instead of infront, so the best way to see it is to check it out.
    I was not able to fit everything on 5 pictures
    Any other players are welcome too, just ask me ingame!


    "Cmon grandpa! Tell us one last story!"

    "Alright, but after that you all go off to bed!" He muttered to his 5 grandchildren, sitting in front of the fireplace on christmas eve. He closed his eyes, as if to bring up a memory, and started talking:

    "We all know the story of Santa Clause, the jolly legend that brings good to those who deserve good. All of us grew up with him, and you heard all the myths and legends about him in my previous stories. However there is one that still goes untold, the story of Santa's brother, Atnas.

    Atnas was almost an exact replica of Santa, not strange since they were twins after all. However there was one slight difference, jealousy... You see Atnas never had dreams like Santa, yet he was always jealous of the good that his brother brought to the world, and wished to take it over. And such he did try, on the Christmas weekend of 1653, while Santa was making his last preperations, Atnas snuck up to his office and drugged Santa's milk with sleeping tablets. Once Santa was safely knocked out, Atnas took matter into his own hands, he stole the sleigh and all the presents, determined to steal Santa's glory too."

    "However, what happened that night was unforgettable, the deaths of all those villagers.." The grandchildren gasped in awe while their grandpa continued telling his story. "You see Atnas never flew the sleigh before, and while trying to steer to deliver the presents, he lost control, the sleigh started swirling through the air, faster and faster towards the ground, heading straight towards a village center, where hundreds of kids were singing their christmas songs. The sleigh crashed into the gigantic tree in the middle, and it stormed up in flames... the village followed... A terrible night, truly." Grandpa looked into the crackling fireplace, almost sad.

    "Once Santa woke from his slumber and realized what happened he knew something had to change, he went to the Ice Witch, who gave him a mysterious crystal that would solve his problem. The crystal was a gateway of sorts, and it opened up another dimension, a dimension so similar to Santa's christmas village, that you could hardly tell the difference, it had the workshop, the great hall, the trees and towers. Santa tricked his brother into this dimension, and left him there to roam around with some of his elves so he could feel like a jolly legend himself without causing more harm to the real world... this place was a christmas illusion."

    "Is that it?!" One of the children asked. "is Atnas still there?"
    "Well," grandpa started "If we were to believe the legends, yes, he still roams around in this world created to capture him. Some call it a paradise, some call it a prison.."

    "But what if they switched? What if Santa got trapped? What if Atnas is the one in the real world now??" The little boy exclaimed.
    "Oh you shouldn't worry about that!" Grandpa said "Maybe that's true maybe not, but what do you care? The way I see it there's loads of gifts under our christmas tree with your names on it! Isn't that what christmas is all about?!" grandpa said laughingly. "Now off to bed all of you!"

    The kids stood up smiling, hugged their grandpa and walked upstairs.

    "You shouldn't tell them these scary myths before bedtime.." Mom said.

    Grandpa looked at her, and whispered "Who said it was a myth?"


    zMas 0.png zMas 1.jpg zMas 2.jpg zMas 3.jpg zMas 4.jpg

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  2. ItsMal

    ItsMal Active Member

    giphy (7).gif
  3. _DinoCats_

    _DinoCats_ Active Member

    When you can't think of a name for Santa's 'twin' brother, Make his name backwards! 'Atnas'!

  4. JackHMMR

    JackHMMR Active Member

    That was intended mate: "Almost an exact replica" except for the reverse personality... hence the reversed name..

    When you try to make a funny comment, but it's just you failing to see the point
  5. Atom

    Atom Active Member

    Varii naisss ;)
  6. Billynguy

    Billynguy Admin Staff Member

  7. Tejas

    Tejas Member

    #1 creepy place with dime light

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