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Tell me what am i doing wrong

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by superomega, Jan 29, 2017.


am i forgiven?

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  1. superomega

    superomega Well-Known Member

    Okay so the past few weeks were very hard for me i really made some enemies in survival
    Thats why i am making this thread
    This is not made to discuss just tell me what am i doing wrong and a way to fix that would be helpfull too
    I really wanna say sorry for being such a hater on survival
    big sorry to @FLSxKwonYuri90 and skelatho bluefray and ofc sami ( if i am missing something tell me)
    Also faction people dont reply to this..
  2. Sami_Darkangel

    Sami_Darkangel Conspiracy Bot Staff Member

    Thing is.. you're annoying people with your immature behavior. All you do is complain, complain, complain. That's all you've literally been doing for quite a while now. Don't get me wrong. I'm just saying it out loud - since you asked so nicely :rolleyes:. Are you familiar with the saying "You don't always get what you want"? You gotta accept that and learn how to deal with it - instead of consistently complaining about it whenever you get an opportunity :p.

    Be friendly with people. Act nice. Don't argue with people. Don't complain about stuff for absurd reasons - and try to look at things from the other person's perspective before going on a rant in the forums or in game. And if something doesn't seem right, you can always deal with it maturely or professionally - gather some data and use that to build your case. Don't just start accusing, claiming things or complaining without any real evidence.

    People come and go. Your old friends may no longer play here. And that might upset you to some degree. But maybe this is an opportunity to make new friends - instead of making new "enemies" on the server? Unlike me, you can actually socialize with people.. make new friends. You have that quality in you. So, cheer up. Don't be so hard on yourself. Just work a little on your overall behavior and you're good to go! :)
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  3. superomega

    superomega Well-Known Member

    That made me feel much better :)
  4. magicmikexxl

    magicmikexxl Well-Known Member

    And one more thing, dont judge people for what they believing in and where they are from and/or dont complain about it please xD :p
  5. You're good c:
  6. JackHMMR

    JackHMMR Active Member

    Totally agree with Sami, stop the complaining, nobody likes a debby downer.

    Something I wanted to address though is the bragging, it's okay to be happy about your own achievements and even show them off a little, but you don't have to shove in people their faces how much "better" you are. I've seen you hate on other people their methods and calling them noobs multiple times, leading into an argument fueled by you saying how much they suck.

    I quote martial arts master Ed Parker: "A humble man makes room for progress, a proud man believes he is already there." You're young and still got a lot to learn, everyone does as a matter of fact.

    Make sure you give yourself some space to learn from your mistakes and improve yourself, you'll get there ;)
  7. superomega

    superomega Well-Known Member

    Yeah i was a little kid in the past a lot of things changed now..
  8. superomega

    superomega Well-Known Member

    yeah you need to learn from mistakes
    Same as with people who do bad things why putting them in jail if they dont learn anything from that?
    After the jail is done they can do bad things again.
  9. superomega

    superomega Well-Known Member

    Thanks :)

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