AquaMart Update

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by cp12cwp, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. cp12cwp

    cp12cwp Trial Helper Staff Member

    1) For starters I completely revamped the whole shop giving it an easier way to navigate and adding more stuff which is going to be mentioned below
    A lot more mob drops were added. Also, there were prices reductions :)
    Potions are now buyable at AquaMart
    A new aqua lounge. Any associate that is involved uses it. It gives u access to better prices. If caught tping others you will be removed
    Sponsorships. You can buy a sponsor item which puts you in a draw that can win nearly 7k more than what you pay ;)
    Vote party crates --> I do buy them again and every stack that is sold to me results in a giveaway!
    All donor kits can be bought and sold at AquaMart.
  2. YMbrothers

    YMbrothers Active Member

    Another shop selling Pots. One less reason for me to even plan my shop ;w;
  3. cp12cwp

    cp12cwp Trial Helper Staff Member

  4. YMbrothers

    YMbrothers Active Member

    It's ok. I see that coming...

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